Donald Leo Malik
Born in Olean, New York, in 1929, Don Malik's interest in drawing and painting birds began in early childhood. In 1962, he became a staff artist for the Denver Museum on Natural History, where he illustrated a major portion on the Birds Of Colorado. Malik also made 3 expeditions to Botswana studying African birds and mammals. Many private collections as well as the Denver Museum of Natural History and the National Museum and Art Gallery of Botswana contain Malick's paintings.

Blue And Gold - Blue Jay
11 3/4" x 8"
Limited Edition 112/950
Was: $85 - Now 25% Off!
New Price: $60 CAD
"Blue Jays are active birds. They are rarely silent when present in any woodland - their constant moving about and strident high-pitched call will announce their whereabouts. They seem to be always calling, when searching for food, pestering a hawk or sleeping owl, or as it often seems, just for the sake of noisemaking.
One of North America's handsomest birds, the jay adds a vibrant colour note to any season. But to me he always seems "bluer" in a setting of autumn gold. It is with this in mind that I have depicted him surrounded by yellowing aspens, giving his characteristic call." - Donald Leo Malick
11 3/4" x 8"
Limited Edition 112/950
Was: $85 - Now 25% Off!
New Price: $60 CAD
"Blue Jays are active birds. They are rarely silent when present in any woodland - their constant moving about and strident high-pitched call will announce their whereabouts. They seem to be always calling, when searching for food, pestering a hawk or sleeping owl, or as it often seems, just for the sake of noisemaking.
One of North America's handsomest birds, the jay adds a vibrant colour note to any season. But to me he always seems "bluer" in a setting of autumn gold. It is with this in mind that I have depicted him surrounded by yellowing aspens, giving his characteristic call." - Donald Leo Malick