Charles Frace
Charles Fracé was born in 1926 in a small town in eastern Pennsylvania. He began drawing at five and taught himself to paint when he was fifteen. Fracé remembers wanting to be an artist from an early age. His self-instructed talent earned him a scholarship to Philadelphia's Museum School of Art, where he graduated with honors.
A Fracé painting is a building process, with one thin layer of paint over another, creating depth and contour. The latter layers, or stages, are the "icing on the cake"—subtle shadows and fine detail that make Mr. Fracé's creatures look so alive and engaging.
A Fracé painting is a building process, with one thin layer of paint over another, creating depth and contour. The latter layers, or stages, are the "icing on the cake"—subtle shadows and fine detail that make Mr. Fracé's creatures look so alive and engaging.

Royal Pride
21" x 34"
Limited Edition 2359/2500
Was: $130 - Now 25% Off!
New Price: $95 CAD
The African lion is among the largest and strongest cats on earth - much deserving of its title, "king of the jungle". While most cats are solitary creatures, lions live and hunt in families called prides, with a dominant adult male the clans's conspicuous ruler. Lions are territorial creatures which roam widely in search of prey, but always return to the same, familiar shade and water of their home. the lion's courageous reign over its kingdom is most evident when the cat is cornered or provoked. Unleashing a terrifying roar that can be heard for a mile, the lion will charge its adversary without hesitation - with speed, power and relentless determination unrivalled by any other animal. The growth of civilization threatens the lion's once vast empire, leading to the disintegration of many prides and making the lion a vulnerable ruler.